Restoration of church pews in Doksany 2024

The Royal Canonry of Premonstratensians at Strahov owns the Church of the Nativity of the Virgin Mary in Doksany. The restoration of its church pews has been ongoing for some time. In the 2024 phase, funding was secured to restore two additional sections.

A sample of an ornate section of pews from the Church of the Nativity of the Virgin Mary in Doksany.

Restoration of church pews in Doksany 2024

With financial support from the Ústí Region, the first phase of the restoration of the church pews in the Basilica of the Nativity of the Virgin Mary in Doksany has begun. The planned completion date is November 2024. The restoration involves two sections of pews in the central part of the church nave.

Registry number of the National Cultural Monument: 81187/5-2325

Restorer: Michal Zetek

State heritage supervision: Municipal Office Roudnice nad Labem, National Heritage Institute, Ústí nad Labem

Contact person for the owner, KKP at Strahov:

In 2025, we will seek financial support for the final section of pews located in the western part of the main nave, under the choir.

Progress of the restoration

Dismantling of the pews
Restoration of the frame
The extent of damage to the frame
Replenishment of missing parts
Restoration of the pew
Restoration of the side panel
Replenishment of the bottom molding
Replenishment of missing carvings
Replenishment of the platform
Soaking wooden parts in a tank
Original forged brackets
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