Strahov Monastery Forests Ltd.
Strahov Monastery Forests Ltd. is a company established by the Royal Canonry of Premonstratensians at Strahov, tasked with the care and management of forest lands owned by the Canonry.
Strahov Monastery Forests Ltd. is a company established by the Royal Canonry of Premonstratensians at Strahov, tasked with the care and management of forest lands owned by the Canonry.
Strahov Monastery Forests Ltd. is a company established by the Royal Canonry of Premonstratensians at Strahov, responsible for the management of forest lands owned by the Canonry.
Company Headquarters:
Klášterní lesy Strahov s. r. o.
Strahovské nádvoří 132/1
118 00 Prague 1
IČO: 029 569 69
DIČ: CZ02956969
Data Box: tqaic8e
FSC® License Code:** FSC-C145671
As of January 31, 2019, the property managed by Klášterní lesy Strahov s. r. o. is FSC certified for:
LHC 207501 Klášterní lesy Strahov, valid from January 1, 2017, to December 31, 2026
LHC 615501 – KLS Mikulovice, valid from January 1, 2016, to December 31, 2025
From January 1, 2020, the certified forests also include:
LHC 320502 – Palič, valid from January 1, 2018, to December 31, 2027
LHC 207418 – Obec Opařany, valid from January 1, 2011, to December 31, 2020
Discrit | Region | County | Area (ha) |
Úhonice | Central Bohemia | Praha Západ | 310 |
Pátek | Ústí | Louny | 170 |
Hradišťko | Central Bohemia | Praha Západ | 670 |
Stražiště | Vysočina | Vysočina | 792 |
Spálená | South Bohemia | Písek | 625 |
Bečov | South Bohemia | Písek (Tábor) | 642 |
Chlum | South Bohemia | Písek | 663 |
Dyleň | Karlovy Vary | Cheb | 948 |
Milíkov | Karlovy Vary | Cheb | 806 |
Mikulovice | South Moravia | Znojmo | 246 |
Sestry sv. Kříže | Karlovy Vary | Cheb | 171 |
Obec Opařany | South Bohemia | Tábor | 223 |
Total Area | 6 266 |
The property includes a total of 625.03 hectares of forests under some degree of protection (small protected areas, supra-regional USES, protective forests). A detailed overview is available upon request from the forestry management staff.
Support for forestry management has been provided by the Karlovy Vary Region []( and [](, as well as the Ústí Region [](