
What do we organize in our parish? You can experience not only Holy Masses with us, but also various devotions and gatherings, through which we prepare you for the reception of sacraments and help build mutual relationships. You can find an overview of them on this and the subpages.

Celebrating the Holy Mass is indeed the "source and summit of the Church's activity," but the life of the parish is not exhausted solely by it. The life of the parish unfolds in mutual relationships...

Parish Activities

  • Parish coffee ranks among the favorite activities and provides a great opportunity for parishioners to gather in the beautiful spaces of the Strahov Monastery. It takes place on the first Sunday of the month after the morning Holy Mass at 10:00.
  • Biblical Hours: Every other Wednesday at 19:00 in the parish clubhouse (Pohořelec 23). Led by Father Gorazd F. Krušina.
  • Catechumen Meetings: Preparation for adult baptism – Tuesdays at 19:00 at the monastery (Father Gorazd).
  • Newly Baptized Meetings - Mystagogy: Fridays at 19:00 at the monastery (Father Gorazd).
  • Confirmation Candidate Meetings: Every other Tuesday at 19:00 in the parish clubhouse (Father Mikuláš).
  • Prayer Meetings: Every other Tuesday at 19:00 in the parish clubhouse (Father Mikuláš or Father Ambrož).
  • Regular Devotions - a list of devotions held in the parish churches throughout the year.
  • Common Rosary Prayer
  • Litany to the Virgin Mary
  • Litany to the Sacred Heart of Jesus
  • Holy Mass for Youth
  • Night Prayer (Compline)
  • Opportunity for the Sacrament of Reconciliation