Feast of the Presentation of the Lord 2024

Every year on February 2nd, we celebrate the Feast of the Presentation of the Lord in the Temple, which commemorates the events that, according to the Old Testament, a woman had to undergo in the temple 40 days after the birth of a boy.

The procession of lights is a characteristic part of the liturgy for this feast.
The procession of lights is a characteristic part of the liturgy for this feast.

Created on: 2. 2. 2024

As the readings of this feast remind us, during the Old Testament ceremony of Presenting the firstborn boy Jesus to the Lord, it was revealed that He is the Light to illuminate the Gentile nations and the glory of the Israeli people. This year, we commemorated this fact during the Mass, which began with the ceremony of blessing the candles at St. Roch's church and was followed by a procession to the Strahov basilica.

Kategorie: 2024 believers


The beginning of the Mass at St. Roch's church
The beginning of the Mass at St. Roch's church
Blessing of the candles
Blessing of the candles
Blessing of the candles
In the Strahov basilica
Glory to God in the highest
Biblical readings from the feast
Preparation of the offerings
Eucharistic prayer
Final blessing