Chapter of the Canonry 2024

Every year on Wednesday of the Easter Octave, all the brothers from Strahov gather for a meeting to discuss important topics at the so-called Chapter of the Canonry.

Final prayer at the tomb of the order's founder – Saint Norbert.
Final prayer at the tomb of the order's founder – Saint Norbert.

Created on: 18. 5. 2024

The Chapter of the Canonry is not only an opportunity to discuss important matters together but also to meet collectively. This includes meetings among themselves and with God, which is why each chapter begins with the communal celebration of Mass.

Kategorie: 2024 believers


View of Prague from a drone over Strahov
From the Mass
In the monastery basilica
Greeting of peace
Receiving the Body and Blood of the Lord
Receiving the Body and Blood of the Lord
Receiving the Body and Blood of the Lord
Final prayer at the tomb of the order's founder
From the session of the canonry chapter