
Each sacrament is a sign of Jesus Christ's selfless love towards humanity. They are gifts and signs from God, in which we encounter God's grace. By their very nature, they constitute a service of the Church without the need for any payment.

The Basilica of the Assumption of the Virgin Mary is also the parish church.


We are here to accompany you on your journey to God, and for this purpose, spiritual means entrusted by Jesus to His Church, the sacraments, are available. In the following articles, you can learn about how to request baptism, the conditions for entering into Christian marriage, or if you need to arrange a farewell for your deceased. For the sick, we offer sacraments that strengthen them on their journey, the sacrament of the sick.

Thank you for your donations

It is important to realize that the operation and maintenance of the parish church entail a number of associated costs. These include not only payments for energy consumption and fuels needed to ensure normal operation but also expenses for floral decorations, cleaning services, and other necessary maintenance work. These costs are crucial for maintaining a pleasant environment in which the parish can gather and conduct its activities. Volunteers also contribute, being an indispensable part of the parish, but their commitment often requires personal sacrifices in the form of unpaid leave or vacation from their regular employment. These individuals invest their time and energy into working for the parish, deserving our respect and support. Therefore, we would greatly appreciate any financial contribution that would help cover these necessary expenses and offer some form of compensation to those who contribute to the operation of the parish. Your generosity and willingness to contribute any amount you deem appropriate are immensely important and will help us maintain the quality and continuity of the services that the parish provides.

However, this gift is by no means a condition for requesting a service from the church.

Account number: IBAN: CZ34 0100 0000 2715 8407 0217 BIC: KOMBCZPP