Publication about the Strahov Picture Gallery

Šturc, Libor — Mistrovská díla Strahovské obrazárny / Masterpieces of the Strahov Picture Gallery, Strahovský klášter 2016, 152 stran.  ISBN 978-80-88009-08-5

Cover of the publication
Publication about the Strahov Picture Gallery will acquaint you with the exhibits on display at the Strahov Picture Gallery.

Mistrovská díla Strahovské obrazárny /
Masterpieces of the Strahov Picture Gallery

Libor Šturc
Strahov Abbey 2016

Bartholomeus Spranger, Gerrit Dou, Sebastiano Ricci, Petr Brandl... These are the names of some artists represented by their works in the Strahov Picture Gallery. The publication includes a selection of nearly thirty masterpieces from this collection and takes the reader on a journey from the peak of Gothic painting, represented by the panel painting of the Madonna called "Strahovská," through the paintings of the Master of the Litoměřice Altar from the early 16th century, the mannerism of the court of Rudolf II, European and Czech Baroque painting, all the way to romanticism and 20th-century artists. Although the core of the collection consists of artworks with religious themes, it also includes still lifes, portraits, and ancient scenes. One of the interesting features is the modelleto for the ceiling painting in the Philosophical Hall of the Strahov Library. The book is supplemented with basic information about the history of the monastery and its art collection, founded by the art-loving Abbot Jeroným Josef Zeidler in 1836.

152 pages.  ISBN 978-80-88009-08-5
Price: 270 CZK