Rare book bindings from the Strahov Library in Prague

VOIT, Petr — Rare book bindings from the Strahov Library in Prague : from the Gothic to the treshold of the Baroque / Petr Voit ; translation by Stuart Roberts. — First edition. — Prague : Royal Canonry of Premonstratensians at Strahov, 2020. — 409 pages : Illustrations (mostly in color), facsimiles. ; 31 cm. — (Bibliotheca Strahoviensis. Series monographica, ISSN 1213-6514 IX.). — Includes bibliography and indexes.. — Traslated from Czech. — ISBN 978-80-88009-19-1 (bound).

Cover of the publication
Cover of the publication

Rare book bindings from the Strahov Library in Prague

The goal of the publication is to at least partially open the doors to the richness of historical book bindings found in the Strahov Library for the general public. For the first time in domestic literature, the publication attempts to place bookbinding more deeply into the context of book culture, highlighting its connections with typographic decoration, script, or woodcut illustration. Bookbinding also plays a significant role as a phenomenon related to book collecting, bibliophilia, and intellectual representation. The decoration of the binding was subject to contemporary fashion, and at the same time, it could subtly express the opinions and preferences of the commissioner. The text is divided into 50 entries, which, along with 135 photographs, the author arranges chronologically according to the undeniable or presumed year of production. The publication was released on the 900th anniversary of the founding of the Premonstratensian Order.

Also available is the original publication in Czech and its German translation.

Czech edition:

VOIT, Petr: Vzácné knižní vazby Strahovské knihovny v Praze : od gotiky na práh baroka / Petr Voit. – Edition: first. — Prague: Royal Canonry of Premonstratensians at Strahov, 2020. — 409 pages: illustrations (mostly in color), facsimiles; 31 cm. — (Bibliotheca Strahoviensis. Series monographica, ISSN 1213-6514 IX.). — Includes bibliography and indexes. — ISBN 978-80-88009-18-4 (bound)

German Edition:

VOIT, Petr — Kostbare Bucheinbände der Stiftsbibliothek Strahov in Prag : von der Gotik an die Schwelle des Barocks / Petr Voit ; Übersetzung: Marion Nejedlá. — Erste Ausgabe. — Prag : Königliche Kanonie der Prämonstratenser von Strahov, 2020. — 409 pages: illustrations (mostly in color), facsimiles; 31 cm. — (Bibliotheca Strahoviensis. Series monographica, ISSN 1213-6514 IX.). — Includes bibliography and indexes. — Translated from Czech. — ISBN 978-80-88009-20-7 (bound).

Sample of other versions

czech edition
german edition